Feral Jundi

Friday, January 16, 2009

Building Snowmobiles: Counter-insurgency, The Art of Phenomenology and Shepard Fairey

Filed under: War Art — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 3:06 AM

   So your probably wondering why this is a building snowmobiles topic?  The concept of what Shepard Fairey is doing, and has done, is absolutely radical and powerful.  He is the guy that made the Obama posters and the Obey stickers, if you want to know what he is famous for, and his art and ideas take on a life of their own.  But there is a method, and Shepard started all of this with a manifesto he created in 1990.  

   Personally, I am not really into the guy’s politics or his ‘save the whales’ mindset, but I am into his concepts and methodology.  In this war of ideas we are having with radical Islam, it takes thinking outside of the box, and this kind of propaganda could be very helpful in combating our enemy’s ideas.  

     Imagine if a guy like Shepard Fairey, or similar artist using the same modus operandi, was able to make a piece of art that would shake the world of radical Islam and force them to question why they do what they do?  That Danish cartoon depicting Muhammad with a bomb on his head was somewhat viral, but it only infuriated and unified Islamic extremists.  We want an idea that will make them want to stop, or at least question what they are doing. What we need is something more like the Obey Giant campaign, and something that people want to download and make stickers out of and plaster them all over place.  Because that is what happened with the Obey stickers–they were plastered all over and it became a cultural phenomenon.  

   Now the meaning of the message ‘Obey’, is a way of telling you to obey and kiss the ring of your masters or big brother or whatever authority figure–and with that simple order, that inner rebel inside you says ‘no way’.  So it is a concept of dissent and questioning authority that makes it so powerful.  And when a supporter of Obey slaps a sticker up, in essence they are acting out in defiance.

    The sticker is also a pain in the ass to remove.  Some people were even trying to find ways of putting the Obey sticker in really impossible places, just so clean up crews could not get rid of the thing.  The sticker also dares you to question the environment that it has been placed, or for you to question some commercialized ad right next to the sticker.  If you see a Marlboro ad, and someone just plastered an Obey sticker over the cowboy’s face or somewhere near the poster, then you are forced to look at it and also you subconsciously read the sticker.  So now you have two images and two messages competing for your conscious.

    The idea of Obey, also gets ingrained into the landscape.  Some look at it as vandalism, others look at it as art.  Others who get the message, might like the idea of that thing up there on the light pole–others might not.  

     Either way, these concepts need to be looked at for possibly combating our current enemy.  Of course this has another name for it, like propaganda, but this is definitely a modern day twist on propaganda and it needs to be looked at.

   So how could this be used by a field commander in Afghanistan, trying to conduct counter-insurgency?  The key is to get a good artist and a creative idea, and think like Shepard Fairey to promote your idea.  Shepard has the working model for such a thing, and he obviously is doing something right.  He built that snowmobile by using the concepts of phenomenology and art, to promote and spread ideas like a virus.  He has made a ton of money with his viral art, fueled numerous calls to action, and helped elect a US President with an inspirational poster.   We need to learn from this, and apply it to the war effort in some way. –Matt




Shepard Fairey – The Obey Manifesto

the logic behind the sticker and stencil campaign


The OBEY sticker campaign can be explained as an experiment in Phenomenology. Heidegger describes Phenomenology as “the process of letting things manifest themselves.” Phenomenology attempts to enable people to see clearly something that is right before their eyes but obscured; things that are so taken for granted that they are muted by abstract observation.

The FIRST AIM OF PHENOMENOLOGY is to reawaken a sense of wonder about one’s environment. The OBEY sticker attempts to stimulate curiosity and bring people to question both the sticker and their relationship with their surroundings. Because people are not used to seeing advertisements or propaganda for which the product or motive is not obvious, frequent and novel encounters with the sticker provoke thought and possible frustration, nevertheless


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