Feral Jundi

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Medical: Like With The Military, Lack Of Sleep For Contractors Could Lead To Bigger Problems

     I am not an expert on sleep disorders or the act of sleeping, but after reading this article it only solidified my opinion on the matter. Sleep is vital not only to the military, but to contractors.  A lack of sleep could be a contributor to mental disorders and to poor decision making out in the war zones. Companies would be wise to pay attention to this little talked about aspect of contractor life.

     Actually, I would also take it a step further and say that long deployments/contracts are also a contributor to mental disorders and poor decision making out there, because this too is stress on the brain’s processes.  But that discussion requires a different post–this post is about sleep.

    The article below mentioned some key things that military folks experience as factors for a lack of sleep that also apply to contractors.  From drinking Monster Energy Drinks and Rip Its, to playing video games and hanging out on the Internet late into the night, there are many distractions that keep the brain and body awake.  Not to mention the day to day combat and operations tempo that both military and contractors experience.

     What’s funny is that I found an article on FJ that actually talked about a military program to keep soldiers awake and operating efficiently with little sleep.  My commentary on that piece was spot on and I still stand by it.  Sleep is vital and it must be a part of the operational planning if possible. To depend on drugs to keep effective is a dangerous path to go down. What I think is smarter is an emphasis on 7 to 8 hours of sleep in this current article, and to me that is the best solution to keep effective.

    The other interesting angle on this is that contractors are usually on their own after their shift or whatever, and free to do what they want to do.  That means watching a movie, playing video games, working out, going to the range, or just hanging out with the bros. But sleep seems to always be the ‘uncool’ thing to do when it comes to the list of things to do in your off time.  I suggest otherwise and you must make sleep a priority.

    My sleep goals for overseas contracting are simple.  My room or bunk is a place for sleeping.  If I have a room, I blacken it out completely, set the temperature gauge to a cool setting, and go to bed at the same time every night (or day for day shift).  I always try to shoot for 7 to 8 hours of sleep every time I lay down. Oh and I cut off my caffeine intake and eating about two hours prior to sleeping, or at least try to.

    Now for contracts with very little in the way of accommodations or privacy, that is a little tougher.  You might be stuck near someone that snores, and if you are a light sleeper, that can be hell.  It might be very hot or cold and extremely difficult to just sleep, and especially if you are having to wake up for guard duty at odd hours.  All I can say with these scenarios is to ‘build a snowmobile’ and figure out an innovative way to get that sleep. Make a good bed and find a safe but quiet place to sleep. Have a sleep ritual and do whatever it takes to pay your sleep bill. Because if you do not, it will definitely impact your job performance in a negative way out there.

     Also, for those of you who are looking for some advice on sleeping, Angela Benedict from the Military Healing Center has some good pointers for you.  I posted an article she wrote awhile back on the subject and feel free to contact her if you would like to add some more tools to your ‘sleeping tool kit’. –Matt

Seeking better sleep

Sleep Deprivation and Operational Effectiveness 

Military’s Sleep-reduction Program

Seeking better sleep

Lack of sleep could lead to bigger problems for U.S. troops, researchers warn


February 5, 2011

Soldiers often find it hard to get a quality night’s sleep when deployed to a combat zone, and doctors think this lack of sleep could lead to long-term mental problems. Some researchers think sleep deprivation could be a cause of the high suicide rate among military members.

Researchers are finding that longtime sleep deprivation can have devastating consequences, including chronic insomnia and psychological disorders.

Especially vulnerable are downrange troops on repeated deployments, experts say.

Army doctors now recognize that sleep-deprived troops can be a danger to themselves on the battlefield, with slower reaction times, fuzzy memories and impaired judgment. But as suicides continue to spike within the military and more servicemembers are diagnosed with PTSD, some researchers and doctors have focused on sleep deprivation as a possible root cause of those issues as well.

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dave Grossman, a former West Point psychologist who has written and lectured extensively on the psychological impact of combat, is convinced that chronic sleep loss is contributing to the rising suicide rate in the military.

Suicide “is a very complex topic,” Grossman said. “But this chronic sleep deprivation is the new factor, a major new factor.”


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egypt: Security Companies Playing A Crucial Role In Evacuations

     Evacuation companies can charge anything from $5,000 for a simple security escort to the airport to more than $300,000 for the charter of a jumbo jet and a 15-man armed security team.


     With all of the news coming out of Egypt about the protests, this is the stuff that gets my attention. Right now there are numerous companies who are tasked with getting their clients out of Egypt.  It could be wealthy travelers and businessmen, or it could be the study abroad students.  And if you remember the chaos during the Israeli Lebanon war in 2006, there was a similar mad rush for companies to get their clients out of Lebanon. Hell, some of the same players from that ordeal are now involved with the Egypt crisis.

     With this post, I wanted to highlight some of the players for this deal. SOS InternationalControl Risks, Diligence Management Consultants, and Northcott Global Solutions were the companies mentioned below. I am sure these companies will be busy escorting and evacuating hundreds, if not thousands of stranded people. These kind of operations don’t come cheap either. –Matt

Foreign firms evacuate top staff

Bradley Hope

Jan 31, 2011

Hundreds of expatriate businessmen and their families are leaving Egypt as protests rage into the sixth day and encounters with authorities become increasingly violent.

More than 600 people are in the process of being evacuated from across the country in a joint venture between the security companies Control Risks and International SOS.

Other security companies across the region and Europe said they were beginning to escort clients out of the country and make plans in case the situation worsened.

“Today has been the biggest day so far,” Tim Stear, the Control Risks country manager for the UAE, said yesterday. “The moment that led to many companies starting to withdraw was when the military was asked to intervene. There’s very little noticeable uniformed police on the street and lots of looting.”


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Industry Talk: Somalia TFG Cancels Contract With Saracen International

     Yarow said his government, which controls only part of Mogadishu in a country that has seen mostly anarchy for two decades, wanted assistance, but only from companies with distinguished records.

     “The Cabinet has today overwhelmingly voted against Saracen International,” Yarrow said. 

     Yes, but the Puntland contract is still in place. But as far as this contract, who knows who they will choose to replace Saracen? Whomever the donor country is, they are they ones forking over the money and will find a company the TFG can deal with.

    As for dropping Saracen purely because of Erik Prince’s supposed involvement, is pretty stupid if you ask me.  More than likely he was just advising the main planners.  I am sure his connections were useful as well.  But really, you use guys like this because they can see the whole picture and have experience with really dangerous projects.  And because someone else was paying for his services, why would the TFG care? Hell, that government needs all the help they can get, and here they are ditching a security training contract.

    Of course the media loved fueling whatever negativity they could.  Blackwater does not exist anymore, Xe has nothing to do with Saracen, and Erik Prince is doing his own thing in another country.  And yet as soon as Prince was mentioned in some report (that I have yet to see), all of a sudden Saracen International becomes the new Blackwater. Pffft. Meanwhile, islamists and pirates win another one. –Matt

Edit: 01/28/2011 – Check out the story I posted in the comments.  The reporters at the Associated Press are really going off on this deal. All I can say is bravo to the Puntland government for not being influenced by a biased media.

Somalia cancels military training project linked to Blackwater founder

By Mohamed Sheikh Nor

January 27, 2011

MOGADISHU, Somalia — Somalia’s government decided on Thursday to cancel an agreement with a private security company linked to the founder of Blackwater Worldwide to train Somali forces to go after pirates and insurgents, a senior official said.

Deputy Security Minister Ibrahim Mohamed Yarow told The Associated Press that the Cabinet, meeting behind closed doors, ended the agreement with Saracen International in a decision he said is “irrevocable.”

The AP reported last week that Erik Prince, whose former company Blackwater Worldwide became synonymous with the use of private U.S. security forces running amok in Iraq and Afghanistan, had quietly taken on a new role in the project to train troops in lawless Somalia. Blackwater guards were charged with killing 14 civilians in 2007 in the Iraqi capital.

Yarow said his government, which controls only part of Mogadishu in a country that has seen mostly anarchy for two decades, wanted assistance, but only from companies with distinguished records.

“The Cabinet has today overwhelmingly voted against Saracen International,” Yarrow said.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Industry Talk: FBO Solicitations–The Air Force Wants Afghan Security Guards For 17 Locations!

     Now this is something else.  Look at all these solicitations for guards for all of these FOBs?  No wonder ISAF and NATO was pushing Karzai to reconsider banning PSCs. lol –Matt


Afghan Security Guards, FB Price


R — Professional, administrative, and management support services

Department of the Air Force

Air Mobility Command

19th Contracting Squadron Combined Synopsis/Solicitation (Modified) Jan 03, 2011

Afghan Security Guards, FB Lane


R — Professional, administrative, and management support services

Department of the Air Force

Air Mobility Command

19th Contracting Squadron Combined Synopsis/Solicitation (Modified) Jan 03, 2011

Afghan Security Guards, CP Mazar-E-Sharif


R — Professional, administrative, and management support services

Department of the Air Force

Air Mobility Command

19th Contracting Squadron Combined Synopsis/Solicitation (Modified) Jan 03, 2011


Friday, December 3, 2010

Cool Stuff: Operation Outpost

    Now this is cool.  This company was founded by two contractors operating in Afghanistan and what they have set up is a way for folks who are deployed to hook each other up with needed equipment and items out in the field. A war zone Craigslist of a sorts. It kind of reminds me of the guns and ammo exchange clubs you would see on the forums.

    On those sites, guys would have stuff they wanted to get rid of, and they would either sell it or trade for something else with some other contractor. Although with this site, I don’t think they plan on doing any weapons related stuff, and it seems to be all just equipment and other necessities of field living.

    I really like the option of being able to donate as well.  There are people out there who care about the troops and contractors, and want to contribute some way to the war effort.  This site is a great way to connect these supporters to the guys out in the field, and fill some specific needs of field living. Be sure to read all the details below and go to their website to see how to join. –Matt




Operation Outpost was created by two people who, while deployed to Afghanistan, recognized a need for forward deployed individuals to be able to buy, sell, trade, and receive donated items that increased their standard of living in remote areas.  The purpose of this site is to provide these individuals the opportunity to contact each other in an effort to obtain items that they require to make it day to day.

Additionally, Operation Outpost is proud to offer the “Donation” option to our members.  We have heard time and time again of people back home that want to donate various items but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or where to send it.  The donations option will allow the member to list items they wish someone would donate to them personally or to their unit.  Individuals from around the world can view this page and chose what donation they would like to send.  Patriots can also list items they would like to donate, this way forward deployed members can view all donations listed, and if interested, can contact the donor and provide the necessary information for the donation to be shipped.


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