Feral Jundi

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Media News: National Enquirer Now Legit, According To Pulitzer Prize Board

   Holy cow.  I know this has nothing to do with the security industry, but I think it is still something to put out there. I love it because this is making a few main stream media snobs who call themselves ‘journalists’, slightly miffed. lol I think it is funny when a supermarket rag that normally does stories about ‘bat boy’ or ‘Elvis sightings’, does a better job at reporting on the political stuff, than let’s say the New York Times or CNN. It also sends a message to these folks that maybe reporting the truth, as opposed to applying political bias to your reportage, might get just a tad bit more respect by the Pulitzer folks. So bravo to the committee for sending the message–I get what your saying at least.

   Now if we can get some more bloggers to be recognized by the Pulitzer Prize board, that would really be cool. And I am not talking about main stream media, dressed in bloggers clothing. I am talking about guys and gals who are completely unattached to any kind of group out there, and are completely on their own and doing the deed. Self funded, and doing it all.

   We actually might see more accolades coming towards bloggers. I say if the the main stream media wants to continue to play politics and continues to apply bias to their reportage, then the chances for that to happen only increase. We will keep our eyes out for that, and congrats to the National Enquirer. –Matt


Bat boy is happy.

National Enquirer Now Legit, According to Pulitzer Prize Board

Pulitzer Prize Committee Will Consider National Enquirer for Breaking John Edwards Scandal


Feb. 19, 2010

The National Enquirer is now legit, according to the Pulitzer Prize Board.

The body behind journalism’s most prestigious award conceded Thursday that the self-proclaimed tabloid can compete with mainstream news outlets for its prizes. Because it broke the story about former presidential candidate John Edwards’s mistress and love child, the Enquirer’s staff is eligible for the Pulitzer in two categories: “Investigative Reporting” and “National News Reporting.”


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