While it may seem strange for powerful countries to hand over to the private sector their monopoly on legitimate violence, Chaliand says it should be seen as a private-public partnership.
Good little article here, and it helped to bring into perspective what this code means and what it could lead too. The only thing I would disagree with here is the cost of contractors versus military. No one ever mentions the whole pension thing or lifetime medical benefits that the military retiree receives, and contractors will not(unless a company provides that). Nor is the cost of maintaining a large standing army during times of peace ever mentioned as being politically impossible, thus making the idea of an ‘instant support force’ of contractors during times of war a good idea. Or politicians can raise an army through the means of a draft and see how that works……Or not.
Which takes us back to this code and the possible benefits of such a thing. Militaries and countries around the world could really stand to benefit from an industry that is well regulated and ready to go. Most importantly, an industry/temporary work force that is willing and able to serve in a war for that country. Hmmmm–‘willing’ versus ‘forced’, ‘temporary’ versus ‘long term’. –Matt
Security firms’ future looks bright
Nov 22, 2010
by Frédéric Burnand
Private security contractors, 60 of whom recently signed an international code of conduct in Geneva, could see their growth legitimised by this document.
But specialists are warning that without a planned control mechanism the code, which pledges respect of human rights and humanitarian law, could be nothing but an empty shell.
Private security firms have been very active in Afghanistan and Iraq in recent years. Before that it was Africa. But everywhere they operate, these companies have a reputation for carrying out uncontrolled mercenary activities.Today, they want to clean up their image through regulation, according to Alexandre Vautravers, head of international relations at Geneva’s Webster University.“Since the beginning of the decade, the Washington-based International Stability Operation Association has been working on the code of conduct,” he said.
Blackwater a signatory
The document signed in Geneva under the auspices of the Swiss authorities is therefore a response to demands from within the industry. Even Blackwater, best known for its activities in Iraq and since rebranded Xe Services, is one of the signatories.For French author Gérard Chaliand, who has written extensively about the mercenary business, companies like Blackwater have always found ways of surviving and expanding despite the criticism they face.“Regulating this industry seems indispensable to me with extended activities requiring new rules,” he told swissinfo.ch. “But it shouldn’t just be declarations of intention: there should also be sanctions.” (more…)